070 511 91 44
Kerkstraat 16
2242 HG Wassenaar
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Opening hours (Mon to Fri)
08:00 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00

Anything loose or broken off your braces? Check out our tips for not disrupting treatment.

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Login 070 511 91 44

What types of braces are there?

We often talk about "going to wear braces. But actually there is no one type of braces, as you can see on this page. It depends on the correction which braces are right for you.

Which brace for you?

Are braces the solution for you? If so, there are quite a few options. Each brace has different benefits. And ultimately, there is always one that is made for your teeth. We will let you know in a personal conversation.

Which braces are best for my teeth?