070 511 91 44
Kerkstraat 16
2242 HG Wassenaar
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Opening hours (Mon to Fri)
08:00 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00

Anything loose or broken off your braces? Check out our tips for not disrupting treatment.

Contact details
Login 070 511 91 44

Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe you have questions or want more information. Here are the most common questions. Perhaps the answer is already there.

When this is not the case it is good to know that we use Infomedics factoring to send the invoices. For questions to Infomedics, please contact infomedics.nl/vraag-enantwoord. If your question does not appear on the list, digital assistant Ella is available to help you 24/7. Infomedics employees are also at your service Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

General questions

Questions about costs

Questions about braces

Which braces are best for my teeth?